If you haven't heard of Andrew Ramer, you will. Here's a little something to get you started.From our cool friends at Jewcy:
Queer Midrash
This is what I want to hear...
Don't tell me about the Shekhinah.
How God's female aspect
is a sacred part of our tradition.
The word "aspect" gives it all away.
Your Shekhinah is God's sidekick
Purim drag costume.
She's His sad dark girlfriend
evicted from her Jerusalem apartment
by the Romans
and wandering ever since.
I don't want an Aspect in my prayers
not even that upgrade to First Class
Yah Shekhinah.
Yah is a masculine form
not the Tah Shekhinah that would
make it truly female.
This is what I want
and nothing less
if we really mean
that God isn't Male.
I want prayers to Her
that don't frighten us into thinking
"This is paganism. Heresy.
Something we've avoided for
two thousand years!"
I want Her presence to be felt
Her names to be called
Her blessings to be known
Just as His are.
I want:
May She who makes peace
in Her high heavens.
I want:
And on the seventh day She rested.
I want:
Holy Holy Holy
is the Lady of Hosts
the whole earth is full of Her glory.
I want new liturgy to Her
or I want us to throw out
everything stale and male and old.
I want generations of Jewish girls
and boys
to grow up hearing us pray to Her.
Mother of all.
I want us to bask in Her magnificence.
Her glory.
I want us to midrash Miriam
in the cleft of lightning-struck tree
as She flashes by
I want the cosmos to be Her challah
shaped and molded.
The universe her handiwork.
Her offspring
birthed from her Sacred Self
and never separate from It.
Is this too much to ask
of a tradition that has reinvented itself
over and over again
for three thousand years?
Not contracted fear
but expansion and open embrace.
That we see in Her
what we find in ourselves
and see mirrored in ourselves
what we find in Her:
Creator of the Universe
Source of Life.
Our Mother
Our Comfort
Our God.
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wow - -thanks - you come up with the best stuff.
Wow! that's all I can say, too.
Wow. (or ditto)
Amen. Selah.
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