I think that we all agree that we hate this very stupid and bad day.
In the UK -- Oh, sorry MP, in Eeeengland -- it's Mothering Sunday and it is about the motherly qualities we value in God and one another. That seems like a good idea. But, here in Ah-merkah it's about the mindless worship of any female who conforms perfectly to the societal demand that we all should reproduce. To contribute to the overpopulation of this already small planet is the only requirement. It is a stupid and bad day.
There is, however, a mother that even us crass A'merkuns can turn to, one who never fails, who is always wooing, comforting her little ones. So, whatever else your society and/or church forces you to put up with today -- how many wilted carnations out there? -- I offer you these selections from my own prayer book:
First an ancient hymn
Quem terra
See the earth, the waters, and all the heavens worship, bow down, and proclaim him.
He is the one who governs the world, Yet he entered the womb of a woman and was contained by her, even though the sun, the moon, and all things serve him forever.
Mary's womb was full of the grace of the heavens.
Blessed mother, by God's gift, the One who is the highest of all powers, the One who holds the world in his hand, was cloistered in your womb.
You are blessed and full of the Holy Spirit by the messenger who came from heaven; in your womb, he who is desired by all people was brought forth.
Glory to you, Lord, who were born of a woman!
With the Father and the Holy Spirit, you dwell forever.
It was customary in the 15th century or thereabouts to have a scripture reading followed by some prayers to Mary -- this was during Morning Prayer. The prayers are followed by versicles and responses but I am just going to give you the prayers. It's OK because the versicle/response sequence in Sancta Maria Virgo talks about how Mary bore him whom the heavens could not contain, which is the subject of Sancta Dei genitrix; and the versicle/response sequence in Sancta Dei genitrix is about Mary's worthiness to conceive which naturally leads us to the subject of Mary's meekness in Sancta Maria, piarum.
Enough commentary... just enjoy some time with your Mother.
Orisun I - Sancta Maria Virgo
May we have with you, the mother of the heavenly kingdom and of all God's chose, a reign with your Son that lasts forever.
Orisun II - Sancta Dei genitrix
Because of your submission to God's will, our guilt has been washed away, and we have attained the Holy Spirit and the hope of endless life, and will dwell with the Son forever and ever!
Orisun III - Sancta Maria, piarum
Holiest of all holy women, take our prayers to Jesus, who for us and for our salvation from all evil, was born and reigns above the heavens; for by his love our sins are forgiven.
Orisun is a word for prayer, by the way. It's Latin. It more closely means expression, or opening. More commonly, mouth. Just throwing a little something fancy in there for you today.
I want to be clear that Mother's Day is for everybody. If you have a mother, if you need one, if you mother at all, regardless of sex or gender, if your children are alive, no longer living, from your own body or someone else's this is Mother's Day. A day for all of us.
Each one of you are precious children, valued and wanted. And you are mothers to a nation of kings and priests.
Take some time to thank God for being our mother, and thank Her for all those saints who have mothered you. And give thanks also for the astounding privilege of co-mothering with God this creation, this realm to become Heaven. And pray like mad for the children.

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