Now that Rowan has posted about his day at the beach, let me tell you what it was like from my perspective.
As soon as the Sun was up Rowan was ready to go. He must have brought me his leash a dozen times before I even got out of bed. Thus, I didn't take time for my own breakfast and, frankly, I was barely dressed when we got out the door.
Rowan woofed down his Flint River Ranch. He did not chew each bite fifty times, I'll tell you that. He went back and forth between his new bandanna and his gay pride bandanna, finally settling on the former.
By the time we got to the beach I was starving. Rowan was wiggling. Despite his joyful anticipation I made a stop at the Jetty Shack, a Surfside bar and grill, more bar than grill, near the jetty.
I ordered a sandwich and much needed Soda. Took a bowl of water to the dog who looked at me ruefully and unappreciatively. Honestly, what does he want? Human food?
After a nice meal -- really, you can't beat the Jetty Shack -- and a visit with the waitresses who report that it's getting too expensive to live in Surfside, I used the facility. As you can see it was...
well supplied
And, oh so tastefully appointed.

The Jetty Shack anticipates it's customer's every need... fancy, eh?
I scoff but the truth is, I love the place. Just like I love Surfside, and the beach, and really all the swampy mess of southern Brazoria County.
I am proud to say that the little bishop had very good behavior. He did roll on some stinky stuff, and I guess I just have to live with that. But, otherwise, he was a dreamy little dog.
I was lucky to find a cocoanut on the beach. It wasn't good for eating, which I figured when I saw it. But, that didn't stop me from picking it up and taking it home. It was very stinky inside, just so you know.
We also drove by my brother's place to see if anyone was home. They weren't. The place looks good, though, doesn't it. New HardiPlank, and all.
All Surfside has been sprucing up since the hurricane. Surfside is not like New Orleans. Surfside is rebuilding. Better. Without FEMA.
After running and playing for awhile we came home and took a nap. You can see why I don't deny this little dog anything. He is really a living vision of true love and unbounded joy. His attention is steadfast, his loyalty sure. There's nothing like this dog, that's for sure.
This post makes me want to come visit you and Rowan. I can bring Chita. Mollie is gradually straying away from me and she probably wouldn't want to come.
Don't take that personally. I am trying not to. She will be 13 a week from today.
Now *that's* a contented bishop! Let's send all the bishops to the beach for a day of play!
What fun! Great pictures! So glad to find you again.
What a truly gorgeous canine bishop. And sweet. I love the picture in the surf, too.
Her Grace is sitting over my wrist purring as I wrote. We really are blessed with good bishops.
what a beautiful dog! my elbow hurts now, just know I was here, I have to stop typing this...and work on a funeral sermon...
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